Personalised education

The College Council

The Administration of the College is vested with the Principal subject to the general direction and control of the Trust. A College Council has been constituted with the Principal, Heads of the Departments, Administrative Officer and four elected representatives of the teaching staff. The Principal is the Chairman of the College Council. A Secretary is elected by the members from among themselves. The period of the elected members and Secretary is one year .However the Secretary and elected members can be re-elected .It is the duty of the Secretary to issue notice of the Council meetings in consultation with the Principal. The Secretary shall prepare and keep the proceedings of the meeting. Two day’s prior notice will be given for meeting. However, an urgent meeting could be convened on short notice. The College Council advises and assists the Principal in academic matters.


Various Committees with members of the teaching staff as conveners and members have been constituted to assist the Principal. The active committees include;

Academic Committee:

To study the academic needs of the College and bring proposals to the council and management in order to improve academic performance.

Students Welfare Committee:

To look after the welfare of the students and to monitor their needs. .

College Development Committee:

To look in to and report the developmental needs of the College and department and to assist the Principal if needed.

Examination committee:

To conduct the terminal examinations, collect mark lists to send progress reports to guardians.

UGC Committee:

To Help The Principal in matters in related to UGC

Admission committee:

With the Principal as the ChairPerson and with Administrative Office and Heads of the Departments as members to help in the admission of students to various Degree & PG programmes.

Discipline Committee:

Will handle cases of indiscipline and recommend suitable action.

Library Committee:

For the development of facilities in the library, for the procurement of books and to monitor the overall functioning of the College library.

Magazine Committee:

To bring out college magazine every year.

Extension Committee:

Will see that extension activities held in the College are beneficial to the students , the neighborhood and society.

Anti ragging cell:

According to the Supreme Court directive an anti-ragging cell functions in the College . A24 hour toll –free helpline -1800180 5522 and the KELSA helpline 9846700100 are accessible under the cell

Women’s cell:

Women’s cell conducts debates , organizes seminars and talks related to issues faced by the women. This cell conducts lectures on various aspects of women’ studies.

Career Guidance club:

To assist and guide our students in building up a career ie “to empower each & all “,which is in fact, the motto of our college.